Friday, February 27, 2009


Out of 100, not as well as I expected but a lot better than last semester..I'm just not a test taker. =/

Clinical- 65 on the midterm -_- but should be a C for now (quiz)..estimated 71% overall.
Personality- 74 on midterm...C+ for now..add the homework.
Child psychology- 92 on midterm!!! Fuck yeh, mother fucker.
Cognitive-68 ahhhh on midterm but overall, including essays is 84%.
PsychBio-77 on midterm..but including quizzes should be a B overall.

It's not something to show off, but I'm pretty proud of myself. I would be happier if it was higher but I still got a long way to go and hella other projects and exam coming, I should try harder but I know I'll be too overwhelmed and give up again..=/ I just wish I pass it all with a B and higher.

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