Saturday, February 7, 2009


There are so many horrible drivers out there! Like seriously, can't you fucking see? On my way home from the WST, I was driving on the freeway at a rarely safe speed and this bitch cuts me off without looking! Luckily there was no cars behind me and I stepped on the brakes right away because if I didn't, I could have gotten killed! That bitch cut me when the front of my car was like up to the middle of her car. Seriously, are you a fucking idiot for not looking before cutting someone off? Just because the person in front of you was driving slow? Fuck, the person in the driver seat was also scared the fuck out. Actually, I was driving Locs car so I was worried about the car than my life. If it was my car, I woulda let that bitch hit me to learn her lesson. In addition, there were hella other cars who drive like shit! What happen to safe driving? It became to insane driving! Is it because my mother is right how no one has insurance? Or is it because of the economy that everyone has fucking lost their brains?!
Anyways, I think I did horrible on the WST, I kept dazzing off and I guess you can say, didn't take it seriously enough. I really think I did horrible, I'm so bad at english, I hate it.
Whatever, I want to take the time to speak about my mother. I love her to death, she's the best and she pride herself on knowing it, too. For example, before the test, she made a delicious breakfast, filled with scamble eggs, bacons, pancakes, potatoe wedges, and sunnyside up with orange juice on the side! My goodness, the best part was, it tasted GREAT! That's not the only reason why I love my mother, she also understands me, like how she can't take me for granted. I do things for her because I know she deserves it, but when she start treating me like a slave and disrespecting me by yelling, I would get angry. And when I get angry she is the only person who knows how to make me happy or get nice again by sucking up to me or in return treat me nicely. My mother is the best, she knows that I'm a broke mofo, so she tries to supply food now and then or extra money on the side for thigns I would need. I love her <3.
Oh, one more thing I like to add; I like how me and Tina would still talk now and then; and how we understand that when we're busy it's because of school or more important things. It's weird how we connect but I'm glad we do. But we are such bad influence on each other, especially at times like these! And how we always tell each other what to do, she would be my favorite bf if she were a boy. Still, I'm glad I've met her cause if I didn't, I think I would have missed a big part in my life, somewhere, I don't know where but I'm sure of it!
Oh, and I just remembered. I like my new laptop, although I want the netbook. But I guess I'm content for now, but my computer is retarded, sometimes I wonder how the fuck can it not understand me, it irritates me. I really think typing is a lot faster than reading to the comp. I hate how it doesn't automatically connect to the internet and I have to disconnect and connect it again, such a waste of time. But all and all, it's pretty good I guess, for the money.

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