Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I feel so happy everytime I look at the picture of little Lilly, she's my strength to go on. I realized that I can stare at her pictures for hours and feel energized and happy. I've been so busy with school work and trying to catch up, these past 2 weeks, Lilly came to visit and I got caught off. But luckily I'm able to catch up to where I need to be. I've never been this studious before, it feels kinda good but I like being lazy more. It's also kinda scary cause it seems like I'm growing up too fast, I feel so old.
I've been so busy that my room is so disgusting! I haven't been able to clean it up for weeks since my head is always in the books. My mom came in today and said that my little sister room was probably cleaner than mine. Impossible! Her room is disgustingly, can never be clean, dirty!
Anyways, speaking of my mother, the other day she said something that made me laugh. She said I was a druggy, she said it didn't matter what kind of drugs, it would make me happy, wild, and crazy. But she was talking about Acohol, Theraflu or Advil since I was terribly sick for the past month! But the way she said it was so funny, seem like I was really an addict. But I forgot how it was, cause my memory has been very horrible lately! Anyways, I feel fine now, a little cough here and there but at least I ain't feeling woozy and irritated.
I think that's lal for now, I feel so tired and I have to knock out since it was a long day with no gaps in between classes. And tomorrow, I gave to hit the books again and write an essay! Blah! I really can't wait for Spring break, I would probably have a couple of days to rest. Even though I have Friday to Monday off, it's not enough, considering all the hw and chapters that are given for each class. Goodbye!

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