Friday, February 6, 2009


I feel so evil. It's been a while since the incident of the argument my father and I had. I don't think I will ever forgive him because he's a dumbfuck. Recently, he pissed me off again. Trying to act hard but wouldn't say shit to my face. He would say, "someone" instead of my name. He knows for a fact that I would not shut my mouth and would say what's on my mind. He's such a fucking idiot. So I burst out saying, oh hell fucking no, he better be talking about himself and he shuts his fucking mouth. Fucking pussy ass nigga, knows my mother would stop me, so he'll "try" to act hard. Like who the fuck does he think he is? He's such a fucking loser, seriously. Always be talking shit but knows I will always defeat him at everything. Also recently I would wake up to his annoying ass fucking voice cause he doesn't know how to control his fucking volume. I would want to shoot him to death or one day go in his room while he's sleeping and stab him a couple of times. This morning, I woke up with tears in my eyes, not because of him, but because of the dream I had. Again, it was related to him, of course he would be the no good father and then we had a fight. In my dream, he finally had the courage to talk back to me so we had a fist fight. In the end, I fucked him up that he ended up in the hospital, of course my mother would be disappointed this happened. Then, I knew, my family would choose him over me, I would run home crying while packing my things to become a bum. Gosh, I woke up with tears, hating him even more. Honestly, he's a piece of crap, why would people care about him, it's annoying, very irritating.

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