Friday, March 13, 2009


Fuck, I get irritated hella easily, especially now since I'm fucking stress over the load of work the school has given me. To top it off, been arguing with my older sister with her ridiculous belief in fairness. I was feeling pretty good but as I laid down to sleep, all these thoughts float to my head and it didn't make me feel too great so I decided to relieve it by writing in the blog.
I'm so angry and disgust with people. Why should I be nice, loyal, trustworthy when so many people nowadays are barely that. They have no conscientiousness. They'll backstab you, cheat you, lie to you. Who can you fucking trust nowadays, not even relatives. You think someone is worthy of your trust and it ends up that they are fake. Are you really gon pretend to be someones friend just to use them? People like that should just die, they have no guilt, no morals. What you have is what god gave you, don't take shit that don't belong to you. Why can't people understand that, it's just frustrating.
Maybe I'm just angry but seeing those people, knowing they exist is just UGH. The sad thing is they don't know it, and when you tell them, they are in denial. But it's life. Stupid.

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