Monday, March 23, 2009


I think life is turning around for us, we're all so happy! Sure there's always things that will bring us down but all we gota do is think about what's in our life and be thankful for it.
I guess you can say, I was about to drop it but then I guess I enjoy his company. It's like he tries or really is interested in me. So embarrassing when I was with Tina and he kept bothering us. But I'm glad that he can't wait at least an hour to talk to me. I think it's cute. It's like I'm so use to talking to him, seems like if we don't sleep, we'll be talking 24/7. Crazy, I know but it's like it'll feel so weird not talking to him for a minute. Weird, I know, it's only been 2 days, LOL and what's cuter is that he put the date that we MET in his info. I guess we'll go as friends for now and see how it will end up. But this is the weirdest relationship that I've ever been in, I'm so blunt with him and he seems to understand and respects that! He told me when he met me, he knew I was independent that was why he was attracted to me. This is like the first guy I ever talked to (under the influence) and did not kiss. I was tempted to but I rather have his respect so he ended with a hug.
Life is going very well, maybe that's why that song Spring Love was so popular. hahahaha <3 I wish everyone happiness.

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