Monday, December 29, 2008


I love my family, I really do. They are loving, giving, and understanding. I can't ask for a better family, they aren't like the shady families you usually see, except my dad he's a dumbfuck. He gives to stranger but receive from his family. I find it stupid that he expect my mother to treat him the same as us, as a child. He said it's "unfair" that she makes us food and work to raise her children instead of taking care of her husband. I think that is bullshit, he is suppose to be the one taking care of her and doesn't do fucking crap every damn day. He is worst than us! At least we try to help our mom when we can, he just fucking sits on his ass and say he won't do anything. It's like wtf, who the fuck do you think you are, you don't even fucking contribute to this fucking family. He's like a fucking useless man in this fucking family, I tell my mom to divorce him all the time, but she said that we need him, bullshit! We never needed him in our life, he's just another person in our house who waste electricity, food, and anything you can think of! He doesn't even pay for rent! I guess I don't blame her, she doesn't have the heart and doesn't want her reputation to be out there but everyone knows he's a crazy stupid fuck.
Anyways, like I was talking about my siblings and mother, I know they will always have my back. Before, I was the responsible one, I worked and took care of my siblings, well more like buying food and entertainment. Karma is good, now it's them who are treating me well while I am currently unemployed, although I feel like shit using them.
Sigh, but I do feel like a slave, always doing errands for my family, unappreciated. It's like there are tons of people in this family but they choose me to do the dirty work cause they know I would do it, although I complain like a little bitch. I know I should do the errands happily because I should be grateful for such a family but sometimes you get sick of it.
My break started out partying with my friends for a few days..then I was allowed to party with my family..and now I'm stuck at home casue my family doesn't want me to go anywhere else. Now my mother wants me to sacrifice my New Year's Eve to take her to a casino, wtf. I don't know if I can do that, it pisses me off thinking about it. I told her I'll take her but not on New Years! And she's fucking bitching about me promising to take her, she knew I'd be going out that day. I hate when she does that, I know she does it on purpose too, it's so fucking dumb. She likes to fuck me over for her entertainment. Sigh, life, always ups and downs. I don't even know what to do.

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